drivers analysis net promoter nps numr
drivers analysis net promoter nps numr

The overall goal of a Net Promoter survey is to find out if you customers like you enough to want to recommend you to their friends and family. We, at Numr always aim to help us clients deliver loyalty-creating customer experience. If you wish to succeed in the current climate, transforming your yourself into a customer-centric organization is extremely important. Generally, NPS® (or CX surveys) are a great first step. If you already have an NPS® system in place and are wondering how to quickly increase your score, focus on drivers.

NPS® scale Numr drivers analysis

What is Key Drivers Analysis and do I need it?

Yes, yes you do. NPS® tells you if your customers like you or not. Key Drivers Analysis tells you the WHY. We would argue (based on years of experience) that the WHY matters much more.

If you’re wondering what a good Net Promoter Score® is, here is the answer.

Use Drivers Analysis to stop creating Detractors

drivers analysis nps numr

Since NPS® is a single number that quantifies the overall experience of a customer, it’s hard to point out which touchpoint/interaction has left a customer dissatisfied. If you have a few days to fix one or two of your touchpoints, you must know which factor/ driver will yield the maximum result. This is where Numr comes in.

Numr’s ‘Key Drivers Analysis’ calculates which drivers (such as, wait-time, customer support, politeness) are having the biggest impact on customer satisfaction in real-time.

drivers analysis nps numr

It’s unrealistic and unfair to assume anyone who uses NPS® to be an expert statistician. Which is why many companies hire market research companies like Numr to do the heavy-lifting for them.

Not only do they provide actionable, granular insights, they also massively cut costs. Drivers Analysis accurately tells you where to allocate your limited resources for the highest return.

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